This year hybrid.ai will be present at DMEXCO with the motto “Programmatic in-house.” Why is it so important? Why is it the right direction to move those activities in-hose? The answer is simple. Costs, control and safety.
Taking work in-house is not the way to stop working with agencies but to have a greater inside how marketing is handled and to be more nimble when that’s required. According to a study conducted by Digiday Research[1] by the end of 2018–38% of 214 brand marketers said they were taking their business in-house because it gave them increased control. Having control over marketing is helpful for marketers to have talent in-house that can do things on the fly rather than dealing with a back-and-forth with agencies. It gives also an always-on presence, which plays a major role when it comes viral communication. The research conducted by Digiday showed that companies were most likely to bring programmatic ad buying in-house with 37% surveyed anticipating that move in 2019.
Programmatic has become a must-have in the ad industry during the last years. It offers a quick and typically cost-effective way for automated ad buys and placements. While this advertising model has been handled by media agencies, brands are more and more looking to bring this in house. It has been already become a new trend, a IAB report[2] conducted by the end of 2018 shows nearly 40% of advertisers execute in-house programmatic trading and even 50% of publishers now have such a model.
The IAB Europe Attitudes to Programmatic Advertising Report shows that advertisers continue to demand access to quality environments and inventory by developing in-house strategies. According to IAB, in-house is now the number one advertiser model with nearly 40% executing their programmatic strategies using in-house operations. It also remains the primary model for publishers (50% now have an in-house model) and agencies (62% now have an in-house trading desk).
More and more companies are taking programmatic advertising into their own structures. Using such tools as HybridSuite, which we want to present during DMEXCO brands can become more dynamic and responsive. Our a self-service platform allows our clients to manage any campaign in real-time. It helps to optimize campaigns and achieve planned goals more effectively. At the same time, the platform can be accessed by both the agency’s team and the client’s employees. Not to mention the fact that HybridSuite is by far more cost-effective than using an fully outsourced platform provide by most of media agencies.
If you want to find out more about the advantages of in-house programmatic, visit us at this year’s DMEXCO.
Find us at Hall 08.1 Stand: D-011.
